Day 12 Of The Covid-19 Mandated Non-Essential Business Closure

It is Day 12 of the “Stay Home” mandate, and the closure of all "non-essential” businesses in San Francisco.

Yesterday I broke down and had a good cry - letting my fear and anxiety bubble up to the surface. Practicing social distancing and feeling ‘non-essential’ to my community is sooo hard for me. My life's purpose has always been to create and share beauty with others in an intimate way. This feels impossible right now - as everyone is stressed and de-prioritizing the importance of beauty in our lives.

Social distancing has forced me to feel even more alone at a time when I need to feel like a part of the community and act together with my community to lower the curve of Covid-19 in California and across the United States. As a creative maker/doer, I’ve tried to self-sooth by baking, cooking and sewing, but I have repeatedly failed because I’m stressed, I don’t have the right ingredients or materials, and I don’t want to be doing those things! Failing to produce anything useful or beautiful has sucked me down into a spiral of deep sadness and feelings of despair. When will this end?!

Of course, I am doing all the “right” things to protect myself from becoming a vector for Covid-19. I’ve reduced my shopping trips to once a week, and always wear a mask when leaving my house. My home has become a sanctuary of safety and solitude.

But I miss my life as a hairdresser and confidant. I miss being a productive and creative member of society. I miss bringing a sense of beauty and wellness to my beloved clients. I miss the daily updates and sharing of mutual experiences and perspectives.

My work as a hairdresser is a personal and creative expression of love - for each and every one of you. While it may seem like a “non-essential service”, it is a way for me to express my love and appreciation for and to you. When you come to see me in the salon - I give you a piece of my heart along with your haircut or color.

How are you coping with social distancing and the “stay-home” mandate?

All Hair Problems Have Solutions

All hair problems have solutions. Sometimes the solution is internal and sometimes it’s external. Often, the solution includes the elimination of certain ingredients, or changing your hair care routine entirely. If you suffer from itchy, flaky scalp, I can help you analyze and understand how your hair care routine and home care products may be contributing to ongoing hair and scalp issues.

Book an Organic Hair & Scalp Rejuvenation Treatment to give your hair and scalp a fresh start and get some personalized recommendations for home care routines and products designed keep your hair and scalp healthy and vibrant between salon visits.